Ministerstvo obrany Slovenskej republiky
Námestie generála Viesta 11694/2, Bratislava - mestská časť Nové Mesto, 83247, SVK
IT Academy s. r. o.
Pionierska 1588/15, Bratislava, 831 02, SVK
Kurzy Cisco - CCNA I., II., III. , Network Security, Cyber Security Associate - úroveň inštruktor
kurz, školenie
1. Kurzy Cisco - CCNA I., II., III. , Network Security, Cyber Security Associate -úroveň inštruktor
Funkcia |
Kurzy Cisco - CCNA I., II., III. , Network Security, Cyber Security Associate - úroveň inštruktor |
Technické vlastnosti |
Jed |
Mi |
Ma |
Pres |
Kurz CCNA I - úroveň inštruktor | osoba | 4 | ||
Kurz CCNA II - úroveň inštruktor | osoba | 4 | ||
Kurz CCNA III - úroveň inštruktor | osoba | 4 | ||
Kurz Network Security - úroveň inštruktor | osoba | 4 | ||
Kurz Cyber Security Associate - úroveň inštruktor | osoba | 4 |
Technické vlastnosti | Hodnota / charakteristika |
Kurz CCNA I - úroveň inštruktor | Áno |
Networking Today | Explain the advances in modern network technologies. |
Basic Switch and Device Configuration | Implement initial settings including passwords, IP addressing, and default gateway parameters on a network switch and end devices. |
Protocols and Models | Explain how network protocols enable devices to access local and remote network resources. |
Physical Layer | Explain how physical layer protocols, services, and network media support communications across data networks. |
Number Systems | Calculate numbers between decimal and binary systems. |
Data Link Layer | Explain how media access control in the data link layer supports communication across networks. |
Ethernet Switching | Explain how Ethernet operates in a switched network. |
Network Layer | Explain how routers use network layer protocols and services to enable end-to-end connectivity. |
Address Resolution | Explain how ARP and ND enable communication on a local area network. |
Basic Router Configuration | Implement initial settings on a router and end devices. |
IPv4 Addressing | Calculate an IPv4 subnetting scheme to efficiently segment your network. |
IPv6 Addressing | Implement an IPv6 addressing scheme. |
ICMP | Use various tools to test network connectivity. |
Transport Layer | Compare the operations of transport layer protocols in supporting end-to-end communication. |
Application Layer | Explain the operation of application layer protocols in providing support to end-user applications. |
Network Security Fundamentals | Configure switches and routers with device hardening features to enhance security. |
Build a Small Network | Build a Small Network Implement a network design for a small network to include a router, a switch, and end devices. |
CCNA II - úroveň inštruktor | Áno |
Basic Device Configuration | Configure devices by using security best practices. |
Switching Concepts | Explain how Layer 2 switches forward data. |
VLANs | Implement VLANs and trunking in a switched network. |
Inter-VLAN Routing | Troubleshoot inter-VLAN routing on Layer 3 devices. |
STP | Explain how STP enables redundancy in a Layer 2 network. |
EtherChannel | Troubleshoot EtherChannel on switched links. DHCPv4. |
DHCPv4 | Implement DHCPv4 to operate across multiple LANs. |
SLAAC and DHCPv6 Concepts | Explain the operation of dynamic address allocation in IPv6 networks. |
FHRP Concepts | Explain how FHRPs provide default gateway services in a redundant network. |
LAN Security Concepts | Explain how vulnerabilities compromise LAN security. |
Switch Security Configuration | Configure switch security to mitigate LAN attacks. |
WLAN Concepts | Explain how WLANs enable network connectivity. |
WLAN Configuration | Implement a WLAN using a wireless router and WLC. |
Routing Concepts | Explain how routers use information in packets to make forwarding decisions. |
IP Static Routing | Configure IPv4 and IPv6 floating static routes. |
Troubleshoot Static and Default Routes | Explain how to troubleshoot static and default route configurations. |
CCNA III - úroveň inštruktor | Áno |
Single-Area OSPFv2 Concepts | Explain how single-area OSPF operates in both point-to-point and broadcast multiaccess networks. |
Single-Area OSPFv2 Configuration | Implement single-area OSPFv2 in both point-to-point and broadcast multiaccess networks. |
Network Security Concepts | Explain how vulnerabilities, threats, and exploits can be mitigated to enhance network security. |
ACL Concepts | Explain how ACLs are used as part of a network security policy. |
ACLs for IPv4 Configuration | Implement IPv4 ACLs to filter traffic and secure administrative access. |
NAT for IPv4 | Implement NAT services on the edge router to provide IPv4 address scalability. |
WAN Concepts | Explain how WAN access technologies can be used to satisfy business requirements. |
VPN and IPsec Concepts | Explain how VPNs and IPsec are used to secure site-to-site and remote access connectivity. |
QoS Concepts | Explain how networking devices implement QoS. |
Network Management | Implement network management protocols to monitor the network. |
Network Design | Explain the characteristics of scalable network architectures. |
Network Troubleshooting | Troubleshoot enterprise networks. |
Network Virtualization | Explain the purpose and characteristics of network virtualization. |
Network Automation | Explain how network automation is enabled through RESTful APIs and configuration management tools. |
Networking Security - úroveň inštruktor | Áno |
Modern Network Security Threats | Explain network threats, mitigation techniques, and the basics of securing a network. |
Securing Network Devices | Secure administrative access on Cisco routers. |
Authentication, Authorization and Accounting | Secure administrative access with AAA. |
Implementing Firewall Technologies | Implement firewall technologies to secure the network perimeter. |
Implementing Intrusion Prevention | Configure IPS to mitigate attacks on the network. |
Implementing Intrusion Prevention | Configure IPS to mitigate attacks on the network. |
Securing the Local Area Network | Describe LAN security considerations and implement endpoint and Layer 2 security features. |
Cryptographic Systems | Describe methods for implementing data confidentiality and integrity. |
Implementing Virtual Private Networks | Implement secure virtual private networks. |
Implementing the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance | Implement an ASA firewall configuration using the CLI. |
Advanced Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance | Implement an ASA firewall configuration and VPNs using ASDM. |
Managing a Secure Network | Test network security and create a technical security policy. |
Cyber Security Associate - úroveň inštruktor | Áno |
Cybersecurity and the Security Operations Center | Explain the role of the Cybersecurity Operations Analyst in the enterprise. |
Windows Operating System | Explain the Windows Operating System features and characteristics needed to support cybersecurity analyses. |
Linux Operating System | Explain the features and characteristics of the Linux Operating System. |
Network Protocols and Services | Analyze the operation of network protocols and services. |
Network Infrastructure | Explain the operation of the network infrastructure. |
Principles of Network Security | Classify the various types of network attacks. |
Network Attacks: A Deeper Look | Use network monitoring tools to identify attacks that against network protocols and services. |
Protecting the Network | Use various methods to prevent malicious access to computer networks, hosts, and data. |
Cryptography and the Public Key Infrastructure | Explain the impacts of cryptography on network security monitoring. |
Endpoint Security and Analysis | Explain how to investigate endpoint vulnerabilities and attacks. |
Security Monitoring | Evaluate network security alerts. |
Intrusion Data Analysis | Analyze network intrusion data to identify compromised hosts and vulnerabilities. |
Incident Response and Handling | Explain how network security incidents are handled by CSIRTs. |
Názov |
Objednávateľ požaduje predložiť platný doklad o oprávnení podnikať v predmete zákazky do 7 dní od uzavretia zmluvy EKS. |
Miesto plnenia zmluvy bude realizované v priestoroch dodávateľa na území SR. |
Presný termín (čas) plnenia zmluvy bude upresnený medzi objednávateľom a dodávateľom na základe telefonického dohovoru. Realizácia kurzu najneskôr do 30.11.2020. |
Objednávateľ požaduje po absolvovaní školenia vystaviť a doručiť platný certifikát/osvedčenie/doklad o absolvovaní kurzu na adresu objednávateľa. |
Objednávateľ požaduje vyškoliť 4 osoby v rozsahu 200 hodín. |
Objednávateľ nie je platiteľom DPH, preto ceny predkladať vrátane DPH. |
Spôsob platby prevodom, splatnosť faktúry do 30 dní odo dňa správne vystavenej faktúry objednávateľovi. |
Nedodržanie ktorejkoľvek podmienky a osobitných požiadaviek na plnenie uvedených v objednávkovom formulári objednávateľa sa bude považovať za podstatné porušenie zmluvných podmienok. |
Objednávateľ požaduje spolu s faktúrou doložiť dodací list a podpísanú prezenčnú listinu. |
Košice, Košice, Košický, Slovenská republika
02.09.2020 13:17 — 30.11.2020 13:17
4,00 osoba
12 480,00
Názov | Merná jednotka | Výhodnejšia hodnota | Váha |
Cena s DPH | € | Menšia | 100 |
06.08.2020 13:55
12.08.2020 13:18
12.08.2020 13:33
20 min.
2 min.
Dátum predloženia | Hodnota | MJ | Kritérium |
10.08.2020 10:42 - Vstupná ponuka | 12 480,00 | € | Cena s DPH |
12.08.2020 13:16 - Najvýhodnejšia ponuka | 11 208,00 | € | Cena s DPH |
Vážený používateľ,
v súvislosti s povinnosťou elektronizácie verejného obstarávania od 18.10.2018 a zároveň s cieľom vylepšenia používateľského komfortu sme pre vás pripravili novú verziu systému EKS, ktorá so sebou prináša: